Probe Droid
  sith probe droid

DRK-1 Dark Eye
Probe Droid
species: droid
homeworld: unknown
affiliation: Sith
category: probe droid
weapon: blaster canon, stun blaster and dart gun
films I   II  III  S  RO  IV  V  VI  VII  VIII  IX 
series | more JA  CW  BB  OW  RB  CA  SC  M  BF  AS  RS  EU
Star Wars databank: Sith Probe Droid
Wookieepedia: Probe droid and DRK-1 dark eye probe droid
remark: -
Brickipedia: Sith Probe Droid
BrickLink: no reference
version | variant: 7663 - black antenna
feature: 2 parts brick-built fig
first release: 2007
weapon: none
remark: later ID'd as DRK-1 Dark Eye - SDCC'14 display
LEGO set: 7663 - Sith Infiltrator
  7961 - Darth Mauls Sith Infiltrator
SW MiniFigs Notes
This build of the probe droid was never shown in the minifig section of the box art but later versions do qualify (pictures with red border). It therefore qualifies as a minifig. Trans bricks are not part of the figure. - see the minifigure decision tree for more information