Battle Droid
  separatist soldier

Battle Droid
species: droid
homeworld: unknown
affiliation: Separatist
category: battle droid
weapon: blaster rifle
films I   II  III  S  RO  IV  V  VI  VII  VIII  IX 
series | more JA  CW  BB  OW  RB  CA  M  BF  AS  RS  EU
Star Wars databank: Battle Droid
Wookieepedia: B1 Battle Droid
remark: -
Brickipedia: Battle Droid
BrickLink: sw0467b - inv
version | variant: 75015 - Geonosian, backpack
feature: -
first release: 2013
weapon: blaster, short - black
remark: dark orange backpack
LEGO set: 75015 - Corporate Alliance Tank Droid
SW Minifigs Notes
On the box art this battledroid is shown without his backpack. However, on the building instruction the back pack is shown as part of the minifigure. - see the minifigure decision tree for more information